DM Lab's Team

John Tsaknakis

Associate Professor

John Tsaknakis received his diploma degree from the Computer Engineering and Informatics Dept of the University of Patras, Greece, in 1996, while he earned his Ph.D. on Computational Geometry and Multidimensional Data Structures in 2004 from the same department.

Since 2004 she has been involved in many R&D programs related to software system design and development. His current research activity lies in the areas of Databases Information Management, Large Volume Data Management Systems, Data Structures, Computational Geometry, and Data Mining on the World Wide Web. He has published papers in prestigious international and Greek journals and conferences.

Since May 2019, he has been working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering, of the University of Peloponnese, and his field is: ” Information Management Techniques and Systems in Databases”.