Our Research Activities
The Data and Media Laboratory research activities are focused on the following research fields:
- Information Technology
- Web Engineering & Web Data Engineering
- Web of Things & Web of Data
- Software Engineering for Scheduling Systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications
- Natural Language Processing
- Big Data
- Information Management in Databases
- Parallel Processing and Computational Optimization
- Digital Signal and Image Processing
- Cloud Computing
- Next-Generation Networks
- Localization and Processing of Audiovisual Content
- Bioinformatics
- Design and Development of Digital Ecosystems for Education, Social Protection, and Labor Market
- Business Intelligence Systems to Support Decision Making
- Virtual Interaction Environments and Augmented Reality
DM Lab’s members have an extensive record of published research work in the above fields.
Research Initiatives
Some of the research projects currently running under the laboratory are:
- Project 19-20 – Coronavirus Data Analytics and Effects
- AGORA – Smart Services for the Labor Market
- Intelligent Services for Efficient Information Mgmt. in Vocation Training Activities
- For4Opt – Forecasting for Optimization Algorithms Engineering
- Localization and Processing of Audiovisual Content
- Eureka – An Agnostic System for information Discovery at the Database Layer in Multiple Information Systems Environments