DM Lab's Team

Konstantinos Tsichlas

Assistant Professor

Konstantinos Tsichlas was born in Greece, in 1976. He graduated from the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department (CEID), School of Engineering, University of Patras, in 1999. He received his MSc and Ph.D. degrees from the same Department in 2002 and 2004 respectively. In 2004-2005 he was a research assistant in the Algorithm Design Group in the Computer Science Department of Kings College London, U.K. In 2011 he was on a 6-month sabbatical in MADALGO Institute (MAssive Data ALGOrithmics), Aarhus, Denmark.

He joined the faculty of the Informatics Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in April 2008 as a Lecturer of “Computational Complexity”.  In June 2014 he was elected as an assistant professor of “Algorithms and Computational Complexity” in the same department. Since February 2020, he is part of the faculty of Computer Engineering and Informatics Department, School of Engineering, University of Patras. His current research interests include Algorithms and Data Structures for Main and External Memory, Algorithms and Data Structures in Distributed Environments, Computational Geometry, String Algorithms – Bioinformatics, Graph Algorithms, Complexity (Lower bounds, the interaction of Physics and Computer Science), Natural Algorithms, Complex Network Analysis.

He has published over 70 papers in various scientific journals (amongst others Algorithmica, Theoretical Computer Science, Data and Knowledge Engineering, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Distributed and Parallel Databases, Journal of Computational Biology, Journal of Scheduling, Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences, etc.) and refereed conferences (among others STOC, PODS, SODA, ESA, ICALP, ISAAC, SIGKDD, ICDT, ICDE, SIGMOD, CPM,  e.t.c.) and he has more than 700 citations.