Author: Christodoulou S.

Sotiris P. Christodoulou, Andreas B. Gizas, “Design patterns and coding practices for performance-optimised JQuery Mobile cultural sites”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies 5(1), pp. 50-70, January 2016.

George Asimakopoulos, Sotiris P. Christodoulou, Panayiotis Alefragis, Andreas Gizas, Vassilios Triantafillou. “Dynacargo: The evaluation results of a Dynamic Waste Collection Management System based on Real-time and Forecasted Data”. Proc. of 20th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 10-12 Nov 2016, Patras, Greece.

SP Christodoulou, Panayiotis Alefragis, Andreas Gizas, George Asimakopoulos and Vassilios Triantafillou. “Dynacargo routing subsystem and its algorithms for efficient urban waste collection”. Proc of 11th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT2016), Aug 2016, Udine, Italy, pp45-61.

Asimakopoulos, G., Christodoulou, S., Gizas, A., Triantafillou, V., Tzimas, G., Viennas, E., Gialelis, J., Karadimas, D. & Papalambrou, A. (2015), ‘Towards a Dynamic Waste Collection Management System using Real-time and Forecasted Data’, in the Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Innovative European Policies and Applied Measures for Developing Smart Cities (IPMSC2015) organized under the 16th Engineering Applications of Neural Networks Conference (EANN 2015), September 25-28, 2015, Island of Phodes, Greece, ACM, 36:1-36:9, ISBN: 978-1-4503-3580-5, DOI: 10.1145/2797143.2797154.

George Koutromanos, Georgios Styliaras and Sotiris P. Christodoulou, “Student and in-Service teachers’ acceptance of spatial hypermedia in their teaching: The case of HyperSea”, Education and Information Technologies Journal, 20(3), Sep2015, pp. 559-578

Asimakopulos G., S.. Christodoulou, A. Giza B. Triantafyllou, C. Jima, E. Vienna and C. Gialeli, D. Karadima, A. Papalambrou “Towards a Dynamic Waste Collection Management System using Real-time and Forecasted Data”. Proc. of IPMSC 2015 – 2nd Workshop on Innovative European Policies and Applied Measures for Developing Smart Cities (IPMSC2015) carried out within the «16th EANN Engineering Applications of Neural Networks Conference – EANN 2015» 25-28 Sept, 2015 in Rhodes.

Gizas Andreas and Christodoulou Sotiris. “Performance-optimized Pages’ Architecture, Navigation and Images Techniques for JQuery Mobile Sites”. Proc. of 19th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 1-3 October 2015, Athens, Greece. BEST SPECIAL SESSION PAPER AWRARD

Asimakopoulos, G., Christodoulou, S., Gizas, A., Triantafillou, V., Tzimas, G., Gialelis, J., Voyiatzis, A., Karadimas, D. & Papalambrou, A. (2015), ‘Architecture and Implementation Issues, Towards a Dynamic Waste Collection Management System’, in the Proceedings of the Workshop on Web Data Science and Smart Cities organized under the 24th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2015), May 18-22, 2015, Florence, Italy, ACM, pp. 1383-1388, DOI: 10.1145/2740908.2742134.

Christodoulou, S., Tzimas, G., Gizas, A., Viennas, E., & Kendea, M. (2015), ‘Mining HTML5 Code: A View To How Humans Use Emerging Web Standards’, in the Proceedings of the 4th Mining Humanistic Data Workshop (MHDW 2015) organized under the 16th Engineering Applications of Neural Networks Conference (EANN 2015), September 25-28, 2015, Island of Phodes, Greece, ACM, 25:1-25:6, ISBN: 978-1-4503-3580-5, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-41016-1_13.

Asimakopoulos G., Christodoulou S., Gizas A., Triantafillou V., Tzimas G. and Vasilopoulos N. “Functional specifications and architecture of a dynamic routing system for urban waste collection using real-time information”. IADIS 13th International Conference on WWW/Internet, 25-27 Oct 2014, Porto, Portugal, pp. 203-210.